Tag Archives: Hackercraft

GHOST GUNS now available!


I am very excited about the release of the fourth novel in the Matt O’Malley series. This book is set both in  Lake George and Orlando, Florida. In this exciting book, Matt O’Malley is challenged to stop a maniacal arms dealer determined to unleash a powerful chemical weapon on the world, but first he must rescue a young woman from her subterranean capitivity. However, it’s not that easy. Matt does not know who the woman is, where she is being held capitive; or, in fact, the identity of the arms dealer.
Ghost Guns is available to retailers through the distributor North Country Books, and at book stores and gift shops throughout the Adirondacks. The print and Kindle version are available on Amazon.com. A print copy (autographed if you like) can also be ordered at a discount from this web site.

Book Club Discussion Guide

I have received a number of requests from book clubs for personal appearances and for a discussion guides. I have gone to some of the book clubs and had a great time. It is fascinating to me how readers make the characters their own and fill in the blanks about them. One of the clubs decided they wanted to decided what actors would play what parts if Desperate Hour were ever made into a movie. Out of these appearances I have tried to distill some of the most interesting topics and questions into one guide. I hope this will be of some assistance to some group out there! Continue reading


In the climactic final moments of Desperate Hours an inanimate object, the Hackercraft Sterling, becomes one of the heros of the story. This boat actually exists and is a prototype of an entire new line of boats being made by the company located at Silver Bay on Lake George. You can view these magnificent boats at the newly designed show room located at the Silver Bay location. Unfortunately, there are no tours currently avaialble at the production facility in Ticonderoga. It is there where the latest in marine design and technology is pared with old school craftsmanship to produce these timeless classics. Continue reading

My First Blog Post!

I am very excited right now.  The publisher has announced that Desperate Hours is ready for delivery to bookstores. I will be going up to Bolton Landing on Thursday to meet with vendors.  Eileen and I have been working for the last year trying to complete this book.  We have grown to feel like the characters are our friends.

In Lake George the weather is still a cool spring time, but we hope to generate a lot of heat with Desperate Hours.  We have gotten great feedback on the early reviews!  You will be able to order the book within the next week.  Eileen and I hope that you love meeting the characters as much as we have.