Tag Archives: Nook

Kindle & Nook

I have recently returned from another wonderful visit to Lake George and the Adirondack State Park.  I had a few book signings and got to see a number of great people who had read Desperate Hours and came looking for Desperate Days.  I can’t express how grateful I am that these books are finding an audience and people seem to enjoy them enough to want more of the Matt O’Malley series.

In response to a large number of inquires Eileen and I decided it was time to move into the Twenty-first Century and get Desperate Hours and Desperate Days into e-book formats.  Since I have the technical skills of your average head of lettuce it fell to Eileen to figure out how to accomplish this goal.  I am thrilled to announce that she worked on it while I was away and now both books are available on either Kindle or Nook.

Rodgers Rock pictured here is featured in a key scene in the book Desperate Days.