Tag Archives: man in the arena

Book Club Discussion Guide

I have received a number of requests from book clubs for personal appearances and for a discussion guides. I have gone to some of the book clubs and had a great time. It is fascinating to me how readers make the characters their own and fill in the blanks about them. One of the clubs decided they wanted to decided what actors would play what parts if Desperate Hour were ever made into a movie. Out of these appearances I have tried to distill some of the most interesting topics and questions into one guide. I hope this will be of some assistance to some group out there! Continue reading

Be A Critic!

heodore Roosevelt has famously be quoted as saying:

“It is not the critic who counts. Not the man who points out how the doer of deeds might have done them better. Instead, the credit belongs to the man in the arena whose face is marred by sweat and blood and tears.”

At the risk is seeming arrogant, I must disagree with Teddy Roosevelt. The man in the arena is important, but so is the critic. The critic is the one who holds us accountable for our work and makes us strive to create the very best we can. I would like you, the readers, to be my critics. Continue reading